La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas

by Molière
artistic direction Noam Morgensztern


13 June 2022


La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas

2022-06-13 18:30:00 2022-06-13 22:30:00

“This little performed play was premiered in 1672; Molière was writing Les Femmes Savantes at the time.

He took up a fashionable subject and, in the person of the Comtesse d’Escarbagnas, painted a satirical portrait of provincial nobles. Recognised as the female counterpart to Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, this rich widow from Angoulême returns from a trip to Paris and boasts that she has learned good manners there, which she tries as best she can, and with authority, to impose in her household. There is something of Monsieur Jourdain in the attitude of this vain and naive woman. She ends up being used in particular by her friend Julie and the Vicomte, who are in love with each other but whose love is thwarted by a falling out between their families. The Vicomte is, however, the Comtesse’s current suitor. When the gentleman is urged by Dorante to arrange an entertainment for the beautiful Dorimène – whom they both covet – it is Julie who forces her lover to arrange an entertainment at her so-called friend’s house. The satire of the affected provincial ladies, who are a laughing stock for the court, is also that of the cruelty of shameless nobles, and the comedy is darkened by their unpleasantness. At the table in public, this filmed performance is an opportunity to get as close as possible to Molière’s words and the comedy of the situations.

Noam Morgensztern

Avec le soutien de la Fondation pour la Comédie-Française et le mécénat de François Jerphagnon 


Creative team

Art direction: Noam Morgensztern
Director: Clément Gaubert


the company

  • 03-thierryhancisse-push


    M. Tibaudier, conseiller, amant de la Comtesse

    See biography
  • 13-clotildedebayser-push

    de Bayser

    la Comtesse d'Escarbagnas

    See biography
  • 42-noammorgensztern-push


    M. Harpin, receveur des tailles, autre amant de la Comtesse

    See biography
  • 50-eliselhomeau-push


    Julie, amante du Vicomte

  • pushMarina-Hands---Mirco-2007


    M. Bobinet, précepteur de M. le Comte

  • 59-adriensimion-push


    le Vicomte, amant de Julie

    See biography
  • push-elisaerka


    Andrée, suivante de la Comtesse

    See biography

The Comédie-Française Academy

  • push-jeremy-berthoud-21-255


    Jeannot, laquais de M. Tibaudier et le Comte, fils de la Comtesse

  • push-emma-laristan-21-540


    Criquet, laquais de la Comtesse


  • 2022-06-13 18:30:00

    2022-06-13 18:30:00

    de 10 à 21 €

  • Lunettes connectées disponibles à la Salle Richelieu

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