Legal information

Legal information

The site is published by the Comédie-Française, E.P.I.C. whose head office is located at Place Colette 75001 Paris.
Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 58 15 15
SIRET: 302 977 145 000 10

All content on this site is © Comédie-Française.
Legal responsibility: Éric Ruf, General Administrator of the Comédie-Française.

The Comédie-Française strives to ensure, to the best of its ability, that the information published on this site is accurate and up-to-date. However, the Comédie-Française cannot be held liable for any interruption of access to the site, the occurrence of bugs, or inaccuracies or omissions relating to information available on the site. All the information published on the site, all the brands represented on the site, all the programs and/or technologies provided in connection with the site and, more generally, all or part of the site itself, are protected by copyright and/or intellectual property legislation worldwide. These general terms and conditions do not imply the transfer of any of these intellectual property rights to any Internet user. Consequently, the latter is prohibited from reproducing and/or using the brands and logos that feature on the site. The Internet user is also prohibited from copying, modifying, translating, reproducing, distributing, selling, publishing or exploiting in any other way and disseminating all or part of the information on the site (even partially). Violation of these mandatory provisions makes the offender, and any person responsible, subject to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.

Protection of personal data

The Comédie-Française strictly applies French law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, records and liberties as well as the ethical principles that stem from this law with regard to the personal information that you may communicate to us.

  1. Transmission of personal data to third parties
    The personal data collected during your registration for the newsletter, purchases, creation and submission of written comments (including photographs and videos) are used to enable the Comédie-Française to identify the authors. Your personal data will not be transmitted to third parties by the Comédie-Française.

  2. Right to access and rectify transmitted data
    As provided for by article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” (Information technology and Liberties) law of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete your personal data. You may exercise this right by contacting us by post at Comédie-Française, Webmestre, Place Colette, 75001 Paris, by phone at + 33 (0)1 44 58 15 15 or by email at

  3. Declaration to the CNIL (French regulatory body for data protection)
    The collection and automated processing of personal information and the recipients of this information have been defined, declared and authorised by the CNIL.
    Declaration no. 1057156 v 0 registered on 01-12-2004

  4. Unsubscribe
    You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link that features in all emails.

  • Lunettes connectées disponibles à la Salle Richelieu

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Ouverture des réservations pour les représentations du mois de juillet Salle Richelieu :

  • MER 20 MARS à partir de 11h


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
