Singulis / La seule certitude que j'ai, c'est d'être dans le doute

Alone on stage [My Only Certainty is that I Am in Doubt]
by Pierre Desproges
Directed by Alain Lenglet and Marc Fayet
Concepted and performed by Christian Gonon


16 January 3 February 2019


Singulis / La seule...

2019-01-16 20:30:00 2019-02-03 20:30:00

In a letter addressed to the author after his death, Christian Gonon defines his one-man show: “It will be everything I like best about you that I can say on a theatre stage.”

Pierre Desproges passed away 30 years ago, “carried away unbeknownst by a hungry crab gnawing away at his lung”. From the Petit Rapporteur where he started out in 1975 to the one-man shows of the final years, this writer of a unique, black humour proved that we can laugh about anything… but not necessarily with everyone. Ten years ago or so, Christian Gonon devoted a carte blanche performance to Desproges that has been revived on several occasions since, combining excerpts from Chroniques de la haine ordinaire [Chronicles of Ordinary Hatred], daily radio broadcasts on France Inter in 1986, La Minute nécessaire de Monsieur Cyclopède [The Necessary Moment of Monsieur Cyclopède] an irresistible series created in 1982 for France 3 television, as well as the book Vivons heureux en attendant la mort [Let’s Live Happily while Waiting for Death].
“Real sketches with real big chunks of bravura in them, all tied together by a lowness of inspiration that will fly below the belt of the shortest dwarf” announced Desproges for his 1986 show. In a letter addressed to the author after his death, Christian Gonon defines his one-man show: “It will be everything I like best about you that I can say on a theatre stage. A fraternal alliance. You would have come to the opening night and, with your cyclopean smile, you would have said ‘Desproges at the Comédie-Française… surprising, don’t you think?” And I would have replied: ‘No’”.


1:15 without intermission


Creative team

Concepted and performed by: Christian Gonon
Directed by: Alain Lenglet and Marc Fayet
Lights: Éric Dumas
Original music: Jérôme Destours


the company


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