Musical singulis/ Poètes, vos papiers

created and performed by Véronique Vella
music arranged and played by Benoît Urbain


5 February 2 March 2025


Musical singulis/...

2025-02-05 00:00:00 2025-03-02 00:00:00


Actor and singer Véronique Vella, who performed in the house’s many cabarets on Boris Vian and Léo Ferré, in Serge Bagdassarian’s “L’Interlope (cabaret)”, Thomas Ostermeier’s “L’opéra de quat’sous”, and Guillaume Barbot’s “Art majeur”, is presenting her own work on song and poetry.

Just like Léo Ferré, she is adamant that transposing poetry into music makes it more accessible, and tackles poetic writing the way she would tales. This musical Singulis is the opportunity to come hear her deliver her favourite repertoire through song.
From Baudelaire to Genet, from Rimbaud to René Guy Cadou, she explores the thousand nuances used to express love in poetry, whether serious or bubbly, and opted for the fortuitous fusion of words and music. She sings the poets’ work to express love in its every form, celebrating friendship with composer, arranger and instrumentalist Benoît Urbain, a regular of the house’s musica lescapades. On stage, he plays the piano and the accordion while she sometimes grabs her guitar. Véronique Vella mentions Louis Aragon, who mused “I sing to pass the time”. This recital is a stroll in poetic land featuring two artists who spend their time feverishly roaming it.


Exceptionally at 9 P.M.



Creative team

Created and performed by : Véronique Vella
Music arranged and played by : Benoît Urbain


the company

and Benoît Urbain


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