
by Goethe
Adapted and directed by Valentine Losseau and Raphaël Navarro


21 March 6 May 2018



2018-03-21 19:00:00 2018-05-06 15:00:00

“Faust is a work between heaven and earth, between the possible and the impossible...”

It is with these words of Goethe that Valentine Losseau and Raphaël Navarro present their latest production. Initiators of the “new magic” artistic movement along with Clément Debailleul, they take on the challenge of combining the literary beauty of Faust and the depth of its ideas with the enchantment of a visual theatre that reconnects with the burlesque dimension present in the original text and the Gérard de Nerval translation. The strong links that the play and the Faustian myth maintain with esotericism and white and black magic offer them the opportunity to implement, far beyond mere visual effect, fifteen years of researching and developing technical processes and spectacular images.
Faust became part of the Repertoire in 1999 but has not been staged since. With this new production, magic is entering the Comédie-Française and the actors of the Troupe are learning a discipline, but also a stage practice and a type of concentration that is unusual for them. Apparitions, disappearances, levitations, holograms, transformations... the perception of reality is blurred. After the wager that God and Mephistopheles make in heaven, Faust opens the doors of his study to us. And we follow this scholar’s avid search for absolute knowledge in his initiatory journey.

Avec le mécénat exclusif de Allianz France


2h45 (with an intermission)


Creative team

Adaptation, magic and staging: Valentine Losseau et Raphaël Navarro
Translation: Gérard de Nerval
Scenography: Éric Ruf et Vincent Wüthrich
Costumes: Siegrid Petit-Imbert
Lights: Elsa Revol
Video: Claudio Cavallari et Franck Lacourt
Sounds: Dominique Bataille
Puppets of imps: Johanna Ehlert and Samuel Lepetit
Shadows: Philippe Beau
Assistant stage manager: Émilie Rault
Assistant scenography: Zoé Pautet

Remerciements à Arthur Chavaudret, Clément Debailleul, Yann Frisch, Olivier Poujol, au Laboratoire d’expérimentation magique du CNAC, à Amadeus et au chien Charlie.
En coproduction avec la Compagnie 14:20

Valentine Losseau et Raphaël Navarro tiennent à remercier, à titre posthume, pour leur inspiration magique Rameses, Harry Blackstone, John Henry Pepper et Henry Dircks.

Directeur technique de la magie : Vincent Wüthrich
Coordination des effets magiques : Marco Bataille-Testu
Réalisation des masques : Carole Allemand
Construction du décor : Espace et Cie


the company

  • 02-veroniquevella-push


    Frosch (un compagnon de la taverne), une villageoise, Servibilis, Marthe ; manipulation magique

    See biography
  • push1718-laurentnatrella


    Faust ; manipulation magique et de marionnette

    See biography
  • 21-loiccorbery-push


    Siebel (un compagnon de la taverne), un passant, un villageois (en alternance)

    See biography
  • 25-christianhecq-push


    Méphistophélès ; manipulation magique et de marionnette

    See biography
  • push1718-elliotjenicot


    Dieu, le Vieux Paysan, l’Étudiant, la Sorcière, un passant ; manipulation magique et de marionnette

  • 33-benjaminlavernhe-push


    le Directeur de théâtre, Valentin (frère de Marguerite) ; manipulation magique

    See biography
  • 44-annacervinka-push


    Marguerite ; manipulation magique et de marionnette

    See biography
  • 48-yoanngasiorowski-push


    Vagner (valet de Faust), un compagnon de la taverne, un villageois ; manipulation magique et de marionnette

    See biography

and with
Marco Bataille-Testu: Siebel (un compagnon de la taverne), un passant, un villageois ; manipulation magique (en alternance)
Thierry Desvignes: un compagnon de la taverne, un villageois ; manipulation magique et de marionnette
Émilie Rault: voix-off (second feu follet)


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    de 13 à 33 €

  • 2018-04-28 14:00:00

    2018-04-28 14:00:00

    de 13 à 33 €

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