by Michel Vinaver
Directed by Gilles David
La Demande d'emploi
2016-05-26 00:00:00 2016-07-03 00:00:00
Between the world and man the transmission is so poor that ‘it’s funny’.
Fage, the central character of La Demande d’emploi (Situation Vacant) written in 1971, is an unemployed senior executive who is losing his bearings in the family and social sphere. In this no man’s land, his loneliness is accentuated by the juxtaposition of discordant voices, those of his wife Louise, his daughter Nathalie, and Wallace, the head hunter. Today more than ever, unemployment still deploys its perpetual cohort of destructive effects. A keen observer of contemporary societies, Michel Vinaver knows the world of business as well as that of dramaturgy. Commenting on Situation Vacant he wrote: “There is porosity between work and family spheres. Porosity between man and the world. Between the world and man the transmission is so poor that ‘it’s funny’. My plays are comedies.” A comedy that is built up patiently with the audience through progressive samples according to Gilles David, sociétaire of the Comédie-Française who is directing the production. “The characters converse while talking about their concerns, which, placed end to end, make up the plot of the play.”
Mise en scène : Gilles David
Scénographie : Olivier Brichet
Costumes : Bernadette Villard
Lumières : Philippe Lagrue
Collaboration artistique : David Tuaillon
Élève-metteur en scène dramaturge : Adrien Dupuis-Hepner
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