Les Créanciers

The Creditors
by August Strindberg
Directed by Anne Kessler


20 June 8 July 2018


Les Créanciers

2018-06-20 18:30:00 2018-07-08 18:30:00

“It’s strange, but I sometimes have the impression that she does not exist outside of me, that she is a part of me, an organ that can absorb my will, my desire to live; it seems as if I have deposited with her that centre of vitality which they speak of in anatomy.”

It is in these terms that, from the first scene, Adolphe confides in a stranger who is none other than his wife’s first husband. Far from a simple marital drama, the triangular relationship of this play, written just after Miss Julie, is constructed around the question of absolute love. The protagonists are formidably intelligent and lucid, even to the point of delirium. A fickle woman, Tekla is a fashionable writer to whom Adolphe has given everything, propelling her to success to the detriment of his own painting career. But the day of reckoning has come: the first husband knocks at the door of the present to have his revenge over the successor who stole his legitimacy and to claim his due from the one he always adored.
Anne Kessler is well acquainted with the work of the Swedish author, whom she has already worked on as a director in Grief(s), and recently as an actress in The Father. An inspired director of actors, she highlights the striking qualities of this drama, whose thriller-like plot is reminiscent of the world of Pinter. In this amorous game of cat-and-mouse, the protagonists are armed only with words and leave the depths of their souls on the battlefield.

Creative team

Staging: Anne Kessler
Adaptation: Guy Zilberstein
Translation: Alain Zilberstein
Scenography: Gilles Taschet
Costumes: Bernadette Villard
Lights: Éric Dumas
Sound: mme miniature


the company


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    la saison 24-25


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