
535e sociétaire

Sébastien Pouderoux was trained at the École du Théâtre National de Strasbourg between 2004 and 2007, where he encountered various directors including Christophe Rauck with whom he worked on Innocence by Dea Loher and Alain Françon who cast him in Maxim Gorky’s Children of the Sun (Les Enfants du soleil). They reunited again several years later for Chekhov’s Cherry Orchard (La Cerisaie). Stéphane Braunschweig directed in Molière’s Le Tartuffe, while Daniel Jeanneteau and Marie-Christine Soma directed him in Eugène Labiche’s L’Affaire de la rue Lourcine. Christophe Honoré cast him in his adaptation of Victor Hugo’s Angelo, Tyrant of Padua (Angelo, tyran de Padoue), staged at the Festival d’Avignon in 2009. He also gave Sébastien Pouderoux a part in his movie Homme au bain. Two years later, they reunited in Avignon to create Nouveau roman, a play where Pouderoux plays Claude Simon. In 2011, together with Marie Rémond and Clément Bresson, two students from his graduating class, he co-wrote and played in André, based on the biography of André Agassi. The threesome returned with another show entitled Vers Wanda.

Sébastien Pouderoux has been a pensionnaire of the Comédie-Française since 2012, where he made his debut playing Achilles in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida directed by Jean-Yves Ruf. He has worked with Clément Hervieu-Léger on Molière’s Le Misanthrope; Lilo Baur on Federico García Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba (La Maison de Bernarda Alba) and Sergi Belbel’s Après la pluie; Muriel Mayette-Holtz on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Racine’s Andromache (Andromaque); Jacques Vincey on Molière’s Amphitryon; Denis Podalydès on Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac and Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo; Denis Marleau on Innocence by Dea Loher; and Dan Jemmett on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In 2015, he interpreted Bob Dylan in Greil Marcus’s Like a Rolling Stone (Comme une pierre qui…), which he co-directed with Marie Rémond. Ivo Van Hove cast him as Herbert Thallman in The Damned, an adaptation of Visconti’s film.

Outside of the Comédie-Française, Sébastien Pouderoux played in Thomas Ostermeier’s adaptation of Chekhov’s Seagull (La Mouette) in 2016. His filmography includes The French Minister (Quai d’Orsay) by Bertrand Tavernier, All Three of Us (Nous trois ou rien) by Kheiron, Just a Sigh (Le Temps de l’aventure) and The Queen of Clubs (La Dame de trèfle) by Jérôme Bonnell. He was part of the ensemble cast for Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano’s film C'est la Vie (Le Sens de la fête). Guillaume Gallienne directed him in the television adaptation of Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov, and later in his feature film Maryline.

During the 2018/2019 season, Sébastien Pouderoux will be playing in Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night or What You Will by Thomas Ostermeier, Leila Slimani’s Chanson douce by Pauline Bayle, and Les Serge (Gainsbourg Point Barre) written and directed with Stéphane Varupenne. He will be also playing in the reruns of Racine’s Britannicus by Stéphane Braunschweig and Visconti’s The Damned by Ivo van Hove.

Currently in


by Constance Meyer, Agathe Peyrard and Sébastien Pouderoux
based on the life and work of John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands
directed by Constance Meyer and Sébastien Pouderoux


Soon in

Cyrano de Bergerac

by Edmond Rostand
directed by Emmanuel Daumas



Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)

adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux


Sold out

At the Comédie-Française


  • ON TOUR / Les Serge (Gainsbourg point...

    Adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux

    On tour

  • La Cerisaie

    by Anton Tchekhov directed by Clément Hervieu-Léger translated by André Markowicz and...


  • Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)

    adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux

    chant, guitare, basse, clarinette, claviers


  • Cyrano de Bergerac

    by Edmond Rostand directed by Emmanuel Daumas

    Carbon de Castel-Jaloux, Jeune homme, la Distributrice, Tire-laine, Montfleury, Pâtissier...


  • Contre

    by Constance Meyer, Agathe Peyrard and Sébastien Pouderoux based on the life and work of...

    John Cassavetes, réalisateur





  • Jean-Baptiste, Madeleine, Armande et...

    after Molière Directed by Julie Deliquet

    Charles Varlet, dit La Grange


  • Les Précieuses ridicules

    by Molière Directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux

    Du Croisy, amant rebuté et Gorgibus


  • La Cerisaie

    d'Anton Tchekhov Mise en scène Clément Hervieu-Léger

    Epikhodov, Semione Panteleevitch, employé



  • La Puce à l'oreille

    de Georges Feydeau Mise en scène Lilo Baur

    Romain Tournel


  • Le Côté de Guermantes

    d'après Marcel Proust Adaptation et mise en scène Christophe Honoré

    le Marquis Robert de Saint-Loup

    Théâtre Marigny


  • La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...

    "Twelfth Night or What you will" by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier

    Malvolio, intendant d’Olivia et Prêtre


  • Électre / Oreste

    "Electra / Orestes" by Euripide Directed by Ivo van Hove

    un laboureur mycénien (alternately)


  • La Puce à l'oreille

    A Flea in her ear by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lilo Baur

    Romain Tournel



  • Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)

    Adaptation and direction Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux

    chant, guitare, basse, clarinette, claviers


  • Les Damnés

    The Damned after the screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco and Enrico...

    Herbert Thallman (Alternating)


  • Chanson douce

    Lullaby By Leïla Slimani Directed by Pauline Bayle


  • Britannicus

    by Jean Racine Directed by Stéphane Braunschweig



  • La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...

    Twelfth Night or What you will by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier

    Malvolio, intendant d’Olivia, et Prêtre






  • La Tragédie d'Hamlet

    by William Shakespeare Directed by Dan Jemmett

    Le Spectre, Premier Comédien, Fortinbras


  • Lucrèce Borgia

    Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Don Apostolo


  • Innocence

    by Dea Loher Directed by Denis Marleau

    Franz, qui s’occupe des morts


  • Le Songe d'une nuit d'été

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz



  • Oblomov

    by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre


  • Oblomov

    by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre

    Andreï Ivanovitch Stolz

    On tour


  • Lucrèce Borgia

    Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Don Apostolo


  • Richard III

    by William Shakespeare Reading directed by Anne Kessler

    Stanley comte de Derby

    Maison de la Radio

  • Andromaque

    Andromache by Jean Racine Directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz

    Phoenix, gouverneur d’Achille, et ensuite de Pyrrhus (en alternance)


  • Le Songe d'une nuit d'été

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz




  • Cyrano de Bergerac

    by Edmond Rostand Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Cuigy, Cadet, précieux (en alternance)


  • Amphitryon

    by Molière DIrected by Jacques Vincey

    La Nuit


  • Oblomov

    by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre

    Andreï Ivanovitch Stolz


  • Troïlus et Cressida

    Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare Directed by Jean-Yves Ruf



  • Lunettes connectées disponibles à la Salle Richelieu

  • Découvrez

    la saison 24-25

SAISON 24-25

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Cliquer sur les liens ci-après pour plus d’informations sur la saison 2024-2025 :


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
