Gaël Kamilindi was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and grew up in Switzerland. As a child, he was part of the Bus et Compagnie, a youth series on the Swiss Romand TSR television channel. Director Sandra Amodio suggested that he studied theater at the Geneva Conservatory where he was most notably taught by actress Anne-Marie Delbart. In 2008, he trained at the Paris Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique, in classes taught by Dominique Valadié and Alain Françon.
Three years later, he upheld the role of Harold alongside Catherine Salviat in Colin Higgins’ Harold and Maude, directed by Jean Liermier in Geneva’s Théâtre de Carouge. The following year, Joël Dragutin cast him in Une Maison en Normandie, at the Cergy-Pontoise Théâtre 95.
In 2013, he interpreted Tonino alongside Dominique Blanc in Carlo Goldoni’s La Locandiera directed by Marc Paquien at the Théâtre de l’Atelier. In 2014, Patrice Chéreau offered him a role in William Shakespeare’s As You Like It. The play was cancelled following the director’s death. Gaël Kamilindi interpreted Village, in Jean Genet’s Les Nègres directed by Robert Wilson at the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe.
Between 2014 and 2016, he appeared alone on stage to perform the text by Rodrigue Norman and Catherine Verlaguet Venavi ou pourquoi ma sœur ne va pas bien directed by Olivier Letellier. In 2015, Jean-Pierre Vincent directed him in Waiting for Godot (En attendant Godot), at the Marseille Théâtre du Gymnase. The same year, Krzystzof Warlikowski offered him the role of Hyppolyte 1 in Phèdres(s) after Wajdi Mouawad, Sarah Kane and John Maxwell Coetzee, staged at the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe and starring Isabelle Huppert in the title role.
In January 2017, he played in Le Dernier Testament, adapted by Mélanie Laurent and Charlotte Farcet from James Frey’s Last Testament of the Holy Bible, and directed by Mélanie Laurent at the Théâtre national de Chaillot.
On the 1st of February 2017, he joined the Comédie-Française as a pensionnaire and made his debut as Gennaro in Victor Hugo's Lucrezia Borgia by Denis Podalydès, who also offered him the role of Léandre in Scapin the Schemer (Les Fourberies de Scapin) by Molière.
For television, Gaël Kamilindi has filmed with Stéphane Kurc in J’adore ma vie, Benoît Cohen in Tiger Lily, and Raymond Vouillamoz in Déchaînées. On film, he was directed by Vasily Serikov in 22 minutes, Catherine Corsini in An Impossible Love (Un amour impossible) and Éléonore Pourriat in I am not an Easy Man (Je ne suis pas un homme facile).
During the 2018/2019 season, Gaël Kamilindi plays in Electra/Orestes after Euripides by Ivo van Hove. His Grenier des acteurs is dedicated to William Blake. He can also be seen in the reruns of Victor Hugo’s Lucrezia Borgia and Molière’s Scapin the Schemer (Les Fourberies de Scapin), both directed by Denis Podalydès.
comedy-ballet by Molière
directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Ticketswritten and directed by Tiago Rodrigues
translated by Thomas Resendes
Ticketswritten and directed by Tiago Rodrigues translated by Thomas Resendes
un comédien, interprétant le Chœur et la Servante ; Dubois, ancien salarié de la maison...
comedy-ballet by Molière directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Written and directed by Tiago Rodrigues
un comédien, interprétant le Choeur et la Servante ; Dubois, ancien salarié de la maison...
On tour
by Molière Masks and staging Louis Arene
Géronimo, Première Bohémienne et Alcidas
On tour
by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Maître à danser et Maître tailleur
by Tony Kushner directed by Arnaud Desplechin
Mister Trip, Belize et l’Ange Oceania
by Georg Büchner Directed by Simon Delétang
Camille Desmoulins, député
after William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Oswald, intendant de Goneril et le Duc de Bourgogne (en alternance)
by Molière Masks and staging Louis Arene
Géronimo, Première Bohémienne et Alcidas
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Maître à danser et Maître tailleur
by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès
Léandre (Alternating)
de Jean-Luc Lagarce Mise en scène Glysleïn Lefever
le Premier Boy
d'Ingmar Bergman Mise en scène Julie Deliquet
Peter, fils d’Alma, jeune comédien
Spectacle musical conçu et mis en scène par Serge Bagdassarian et Marina Hands
d’après les frères Grimm Adaptation libre et mise en scène Rose Martine
le Conteur
Musical devised and directed by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
Comédie-ballet de Molière Mise en scène Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq
Maître à danser et Maître tailleur
de Jean-Luc Lagarce Mise en scène Glysleïn Lefever
le Premier Boy
after the Grimm brothers Freely adapted and directed by Rose Martine
le Conteur
by Tony Kushner directed by Arnaud Desplechin
Mister Trip, Belize et l’Ange Oceania
"Electra / Orestes" by Euripide Directed by Ivo van Hove
"Scapin The Schemer" by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès
Electra / Orestes by Euripide Directed by Ivo van Hove
Fanny and Alexander by Ingmar Bergman Directed by Julie Deliquet
Peter, fils d' Alma, jeune comédien
Gaël Kamilindi / William Blake
The Actors’ Attic
Scapin The Schemer by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès
Léandre (Alternating)
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
The Awakening of Spring by Frank Wedekind Directed by Clément Hervieu-Léger
Ernst Röbel
Scapin The Schemer by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès
Les Journées particulières (Special...
Into the Repertoire time machine
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
pour les représentations de mars à juillet 2025
JEU 23 JANV à partir de 11h
achat des places aux tarifs Cartes 2024-2025
MAR 28 JANV à partir de 11h
achat des places pour tous les publics individuels et les groupes
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Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.